Cyber Bullying and world mental health day

Cyber Bullying and World Mental Health Day

As some of you are already aware, I got cyber bullied about 10 days ago (it wasn’t the first time).

I really appreciate all the support I received from a lot of you on Instagram at the time when I shared this story with you.

I realized at my age, these kind of messages still hurt and have an impact on me. However, I couldn’t help but wonder how life damaging words can be, and their impact on the younger generation, teenagers and kids like my nieces and nephews who use Instagram & TikTok.

The extent of the effect on their Confidence and Self-Esteem if they ever got subjected to such harassments by bullies over the social media or at school :

How they perceive their BODY IMAGE ❓

Will they reach a stage of acceptance of their physical appearance one day ❓

I am not entirely sure what can parents do, perhaps as a parent you can keep checking with your kids if anyone is bothering them at school or perhaps you can check their social media accounts and verify if they have hate messages in their inbox (in case they didn’t delete them).

Also, what are your thoughts about having your kid meet with a child counselor ❓

I hope I could relate my message to you, and if you felt this post was useful, please share it with your friends, perhaps we can fight this wave together and expose these bullies.

Zeina 💕
