
What is Pilates?

Pilates is a series of exercises devised by a man named Joseph Pilates, and thus bears his name, and its goal is to realign the spine.

According to Wikipedia, the spine, also known as the backbone or the vertebrae column, is made up of a series of hollow vertebrae to preserve the spinal cord in which it extends. The number of vertebrae in humans is 33 vertebrae.

The spine also consists of a series of irregular bones called vertebrae, and the spine at birth is humped backward in the thoracic region and the sacral-coccygeal region (pelvic region), so we can say that the spine resembles the letter S in the Classical Latin Alphabet.

“The spine looks like the letter S in a foreign language.”

Zeina Kabbara


neutral spine web
Natural Posture of the Spine
However, over time and depending on your lifestyle, the shape of the spine may change, resulting in a shift in the posture of the spine so that it differs from the natural position.

This can be observed in a large segment of people, especially those who spend a long time in a sitting position: whether studying, having a desk job, or driving in the cars / machinery for long periods.

Often this results in that the shoulders become curved forward along with the back and the neck as well; This results in an imbalance in the position of the head, causing it to bend forward, causing pain in the neck and back.

man having a phone call in front of a laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

One of the habits that generate this imbalance in posture is sitting for long hours in front of the TV, computer, iPad and smart phone, and we notice these habits in children and adolescents in particular.



And so… Pilates to the rescue!

Through the Pilates method and exercises, you can work to strengthen the internal muscles of your body, including the muscles of the stomach, back and shoulders, in order to help your spine return to its natural and basic position . You can expect prenominal results when you practice regularly and are consistent with Pilates. And by results I don’t mean just strengthen you entire body increase your mobility and flexibility! But also heal yourself by yourself through the power of movement and manage your pain effectively.

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Love ,
Zeina 💕
